Bhramari Pranayama or Bee-Breathing Technique : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Bhramari Pranayama or Bee-Breathing Technique : How to Do It, Benefits, Step by Step Instructions & Precautions

Yoga is Bhramari Pranayama or Bee-Breathing Technique?Bhramari Pranayama is the best pranayama for calming the mind and removing anger. This pranayama is very useful for removing frustration from the mind. Bhramari pranayama is quite simple and can be done anywhere at any time of the day. Bhramari pranayama is the perfect way to eradicate the anxiety of the mind.In fact, Bhramar means Bee. Since a person performs exactly like a bee while doing this pranayama, it is called Bhramari pranayama. This Pranayama is also known as Bee-Breathing Technique in English.How to do Bhramari Pranayama?You can practice this before any yoga asana.Discover a peaceful place before starting Pranayama.Sit in a comfortable place in a lotus pose or easy pose.Keep the spine completely straight and close the eyes.Take a deep breath through…
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Ujjayi Pranayama (Ujjayi Breathing): How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Ujjayi Pranayama (Ujjayi Breathing): How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Yoga is Ujjayi Pranayama ? or Ujjayi Breathing The word "Ujjayi" is from the Sanskrit prefixes "Uj" and "Jay".  Thus, Ujjayi simply means "Vijay" i,e, "One who is victorious".  Thus Ujjayi Pranayama means "Victorious Breath".Ujjayi Pranayama is practiced to control your breath. Ujjayi Pranayama is done to control the respiratory system of the body. This is also known as Victorious Breath in English. While practicing this pranayama, a sound like seawater comes, that's why it is also called Ocean Breath Pranayama. This Pranayama causes hot air in the body and it helps in getting the contaminated and viral substances out of the body.In this pranayama, breathing is done only through the nose. Due to the small respiratory tract of the throat, the air goes slowly in and out, so while…
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Yoga for Breathing or Pranayama: Which Yoga is Best for Breathing Problem?

Yoga for Breathing or Pranayama: Which Yoga is Best for Breathing Problem?

Yoga today's changing lifestyle, every person is a victim of some disease. Due to lack of knowledge or sometimes ignorance, the small disease also increases and becomes a serious problem. One of these diseases is difficulty in breathing. Breathing problems or the inability to breathe properly can be caused by allergies, infections, and increasing pollution day by day.It has been observed that when most people breathe, their breathing is half-incomplete or disjointed. Respiratory conditions should be rhythmic or normal. There is no need to learn how to breathe, but due to urban pollution and noise, the person has forgotten his natural breathing process, which has increased mind disturbance, restlessness, and unnecessary fear. It also has a bad effect on the body. In such a situation, if you are also having…
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Kapalbhati Pranayama: How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Kapalbhati Pranayama: How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Yoga PranayamaKapalbhati is a type of Pranayama that includes a rapid exhalation process. Kapalbhati is made up of two words 'Kapal' which means "skull" and 'Bhati' which means 'Shine'. By the rapid exhalation process during Kapalbhati, one can cure many diseases. Moreover, Kapalbhati Pranayama is the most preferred way to detoxify the body and helps in internal cleansing. Also, the regular practice of Kapalbhati maintains the proper working of body organs. It is said that the regular practice of Kapalbhati cools the mind and increases radiance on your face. Have any queries? get answer from Yoga school in Rishikesh.Types of KapalbhatiThere are three types of Kapalabhati Pranayama.Vatakram Kapalbhati - In this, a person sitting in a meditative position, draws a breath from the second nasal hole by closing one nasal…
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Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama: How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Yoga is Nadi Shodhana Pranayama ?Nadi is called pulse and Shodhana means cleaning. Thus, this pranayama is being done since ancient times to clean the Nadis. It is said that Indian sages used to practice such yogic practices to keep themselves healthy. In simple words, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is called Alternate Nostril Breathing Exercise, in which one has to breathe through one nostril, hold the breath, and then exhale through another.The Nadis in the human body are subtle energy channels. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama is a process of breathing that helps to cleanse these energy systems and operate smoothly and thus calm the mind. Some yogis also refer Nadi Shodhana Pranayama as Anulom Vilom Pranayama.How to do Nadi Shodhan pranayama?Sit relaxed with a gentle smile on your face. Keep your shoulder…
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What is Pranayama? Different Types of Pranayama

What is Pranayama? Different Types of Pranayama

Yoga What is Pranayama and its various Types ?The power that provides strength to the mind and body, and keeps us alive is Prana. So our 'life' refers to our life force and regularization with 'dimension'. Therefore Pranayama means regularizing one's own life force. Thus, Pranayama secures a special place in the eight limbs of Yoga. Pranayama is obtained from two words Pran and Dimension. Moreover, Pranayama simply implies the prolonging of Prana. It is the amplitude or expansion of the breath done as a major part of Ashtanga Yoga Practices. There are various types of Pranayama Practices. Health Benefits of PranayamaBeneficial for LungsHelpful in Weight LossImprovement in heart healthImprove mental concentrationDetoxificationTreat depressionEase of digestionCleaning of NostrilsStrengthen the immune systemVarious Types of PranayamaBhastrika Pranayama In the Bhastrika pranayama, breathing is done…
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Bhastrika Pranayama: How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Bhastrika Pranayama: How to Do It, Steps and Benefits

Yoga is Bhastrika Pranayama? Bhastrika Pranayama is made up of two Sanskrit words Bhastrika and Pranayama. The first word is Bhastrika, which means blower. At the same time, pranayama means that the air is expanding. According to its name, in this process of yoga, the breath is rapidly released out like a blower to extend the breadth of the breath. Also, breath is taken inwardly with equal speed. Bhastrika Pranayama helps in eradicating the impurities out of the body. Also, it enhances the level of oxygen in the body. Bhastrika Pranayama Yoga process can also help in relieving many health-related disorders, as it helps in maintaining the proper functioning of the respiratory system. How to do BhastrikaPranayam? Morning time in the day is good for doing BhastrikaPranayam. By selecting a…
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Why I Do Yoga?

Why I Do Yoga?

I have so many answers, yet I don’t know where to start. So let me start by asking you a question - Do you love something very deeply? Something or someone that makes you feel happy, calm, safe, whole, confident. That’s where my journey with Yoga began. Its been a year (only) and yet everyday is a new day on my Yoga mat. Have any queries? Get answer from Rishikesh Yoga SchoolYoga is a continuous conversation with yourself –Yoga made me realize what breathing is – before I started my practice, not once did I stop to think about my breath. It’s something that comes so naturally to us – inhale, exhale. But it goes so much deeper – how you breath is linked to your nervous system, which in…
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What is Paschimottanasana? Its Benefits, Step-by-Step Instructions, Common Mistakes & Precautions

Yoga name comes from the Sanskrit words Paschim ( paścima) meaning "west" or "the back of the body, uttana (uttāna) meaning "intense stretch" or "straighten" or "extension; and asana (āsana) meaning "posture" or "seat" It is a classic pose from Hatha yoga. It gives the whole back of your body a good stretch, from your calves to your hamstrings (back of the thighs) to your spine.Have any queries? get answer from Yoga school in RishikeshPaschimottanasana Benefits:This pose stretches these areas and helps open up your hips. This stretch is excellent for runners who tend to have tight hamstrings. It is also considered to be a calming pose. It is said that this pose can help relieve stress and even improve your mood.Paschimottanasana Step-by-Step Instructions:Begin by coming to Staff Pose (Dandasana) with…
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How yoga helps balance our life.

So many times we go through a day and have so much chattering going on in our mind. We worry about family, friends, work. We worry about conversations we had, words we regretted saying, or wish we had said. We worry about the future, about what tomorrow will bring.It all feels pretty overwhelming and we wish we could hit “pause” just for a slight moment, just to finally take a breath. But what if we could actually do it? Stop for a moment? Not suspend time, but suspend ourselves? It is a practice of consciously dedicating time for our wellbeing. It can start by simply breathing in and out and noticing how we feel in that moment. Noticing the sound of our breathe or if it’s cool or warm. Sounds…
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