
The Subtle Energy centres of the human body

The Subtle Energy centres of the human body

You must have heard words like prana, nadis, and chakras in your yoga classes, whether in asana practice, pranayama, or philosophy. At the Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, we dive deep into these important concepts to help students understand yoga completely. It becomes necessary, especially in modern times where yoga is approached as exercise, to integrate the subtle elements constantly operating within us. These potent forms of energy play an essential role in spiritual evolution, rising beyond the physical. According to Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Tantra, channelling prana through the nadis in a specific manner and the eventual purification and activation of chakras is the way to the final stage of the eight limbs- samadhi. Prana Prana is the life-force vital energy that creates and sustains nature and the human body.…
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Emotional Healing through Yin Yoga

The emotional body is a crucial aspect of human health, often overlooked in the hype of physical fitness. Our emotions drive our conscious and unconscious actions, solidifying our belief system and worldview. When life experiences remain unprocessed, they are stored within the body and are expressed as physical symptoms. One must prioritize emotional healing for holistic wellness- what the Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh aims for. Emotional Body Emotions aren’t just psychological experiences felt as a response to external stimuli. Research now shows the impact of mind-body connections on the overall well-being of a person. Every emotion has a physiological effect; for example, grief is felt as tightness in the chest, anxiety can trigger digestive problems, etc. When an emotion is repressed and unprocessed, it is stored in the body as chronic…
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Philosophy of action – Karma Yoga

Philosophy of action – Karma Yoga

Philosophy of action– Karma Yoga“कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥”श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47Above is the infamous shloka from the Bhagwat Gita, taught comprehensively at the Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh. It captures the essence of Karma Yoga beautifully. Loosely translated, it says, ' One only has the right to action, not the fruits of the action. Neither is one the doer of any action nor should one be inactive.’  This philosophy of action is fundamental to human liberation and suffering. As long as one lives, one must act- that is the universal law. Our karma determines if we will be bound in the material or liberated through the spiritual. Karma:The word karma means action. However, it is more complex than just that. Karma is our deeds, intentions, and the consequences of…
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Yoga for Adolescent Girls

Yoga for Adolescent Girls

Adolescence is quite a challenging time to navigate, especially for girls, who go through several physical, mental, and emotional changes. The onset of puberty also brings about a lot of social responsibilities that can seem overwhelming to deal with. Coping with these new changes both within and outside becomes essential for the healthy development of the body and mind, as well as finding a new identity in the world as a girl starts to become a woman.  Yoga helps navigate this period efficiently, but it becomes beneficial while addressing the issue of hormonal imbalances, which has become a widespread problem in today’s age. We greatly understand Yoga Therapy for Women in our Yoga Teacher Training in India.  Hormonal changes during Puberty Hormones are chemical messengers in the body that regulate…
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Pranayama- the Ashta Kumbhakas

Pranayama- the Ashta Kumbhakas

Pranayama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga, which translates to the expansion of the dimension of breath (Prana- breath, Ayama-expansion). It is a preparatory and purifying step of the body and prana before the awareness can be evolved to the further stages of Pratyahara and eventually Samyama.  There are various kinds of pranayamas, some more useful for physical health benefits like disease prevention and cure; others highly beneficial for nadis purification, eventually leading to the stillness of mind. Learn in detail about these at the Yoga Teacher Training Programs in Rishikesh. Pranayama differs from other breathing techniques as it is powerful enough to still the Chitta. The mind's restlessness ceases when the breath is trained to move within and out of the body in a controlled manner. This is achieved by…
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Key Muscles Used in Ashtanga Primary Series

Key Muscles Used in Ashtanga Primary Series

Ashtanga Primary series, also known as ‘Yoga Chikitsa’ developed by K. Pattabhi Jois is a modern yoga practice where a series of postures are practiced through the synchronization of breath (ujjayi) and movement. Known as moving meditation, this yoga system is of growing interest as a Yoga Teacher training Program in Rishikesh. Vinyasa Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh focuses on Ashtanga Yoga to help practitioners develop inner strength, flexibility, and attention as well as a stronger bond within themselves.Structure of the Primary SeriesThe 75 postures that make up the Primary Series are arranged into standing, seated, and finishing poses. Vinyasa, a technique that combines movement and breath, ties each pose together.Standing Postures: The series begins with a sequence of standing poses. By strengthening the legs, core, and spine, these poses encourage balance…
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Spine Health And Yoga: Top 5 Yoga Poses for a Healthy Spine and Back

Spine Health And Yoga: Top 5 Yoga Poses for a Healthy Spine and Back

The modern way of living often affects our spine very badly which causes discomfort, chronic pain as well as several other spinal issues. The professional life makes the situation even worse. Many people have to sit for extended periods, slouching over their desks to perform their professional work everyday as well as they also live a sedentary lifestyle. The wrong sitting posture and sedentary lifestyle, cause the spine issues which causes different ailments such as back pains, lower back pains etc. Hence, for a person, Maintaining his or her spine health is necessary not only for his or her physical well-being but also for the overall quality of life he or she lives. If a person has a strong and flexible spine, it not only supports his or her overall…
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Scorpion Pose for Strength and Flexibility: An Ultimate Guide for Mastering the Balancing Act

Scorpion Pose for Strength and Flexibility: An Ultimate Guide for Mastering the Balancing Act

The Scorpion Pose is one of the advanced forms of yoga poses. The other name of this pose is Vrischikasana. In order to perform this yoga posture, a person requires strength, flexibility as well as good balancing capabilities. This pose is a pinnacle even for seasoned yoga practitioners because this asana has a very demanding nature. If a practitioner is able to perform it correctly, his or her body forms a shape that closely resembles the arched tail of a scorpion. Due to such posture, this yoga pose got its name.The name "Scorpion Pose" comes from the resemblance of the practitioner’s body to a scorpion's tail. In the scorpion position, the legs of the yoga practitioner arch over his or her head, which looks like the tail's curve of a…
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Why Multi-Style Yoga Training is the Ultimate Choice for Aspiring Instructors

Why Multi-Style Yoga Training is the Ultimate Choice for Aspiring Instructors

Yoga is the ultimate gift that we have gotten from our ancestors  in order to stay in good health. There are different styles of yoga available to learn today. Yoga instructors become more versatile as well as more adaptable with multi style yoga teacher training. As yoga teachers, it is important for the teachers to have variety and this will be a good start to learn it from its foundation. This type of yoga teacher training develops better yoga teaching skills, broadens the marketability of the teachers, and fosters the yoga instructors' personal growth. Multi-style yoga also promotes a holistic approach to wellness as well as integrates cultural appreciation. It builds strong confidence in yoga teachers. The multi-style yoga offers a diverse and supportive learning environment that keeps the practice…
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How Yoga Science and Anatomy Enhance The Practice

How Yoga Science and Anatomy Enhance The Practice

Yoga science provides a systematic approach to understanding as well as improving overall human health and well-being. While yoga anatomy is the study of how our body moves as well as functions during yoga practice. Human anatomy involves understanding the skeletal system (bones), muscular system (muscles), cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels), nervous system (brain and nerves) as well as the complete workings of joints, ligaments and tendons. Yoga anatomy is a necessary part to learn for a practitioner because he or she can gain insights into how different yoga poses affect the body as well as how to modify them to suit individual needs of different practitioners. Importance of Yoga Science And Anatomy Yoga science and anatomy is necessary as performing yoga in a scientific way with proper anatomical…
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