Bakasana (Crow Pose) : How to Do It, Step by Step (Method), Benefits & Precautions. What is Bakasana (Crow Pose)? Is translated as crow pose Bakassa is one of the complex poses Biggest this is the kumba nation of balancing cool strengthening balancing coordination etc. The asana is not really a posture for beginners but yes , there are some Ways which can be followed by beginners to practice this pose by performing modifications to avoid injuries and get benefits let's talk about methods further. Bakasana (Crow Pose) Step by Step Instructions: Let's start from Squat position Where knees are wider than shoulders like Insumo squat. Now try to perform deep flexion from hip And adjust both shoulders at the inner side of the knees And try to open up the chest by pushing the shoulders towards the knees And pushthe knees towards the…