300 Hour Yoga YTTC

Course Syllabus

Yoga Cleansing
  1. Introduction to shatkarma
  2. Jalaneti Satkarma (Nasal cleansing with salty water)
  3. Rubber neti (Nasal cleansing with a rubber string)
  4. Agnisar Kriya
  5. Nauli Kriya
  6. Kapalbhati Cleansing
  7. Kunjal (stomach cleansing)
  8. Shankha prakshalana( digestive tract cleansing)
Mastering Vinyasa Flow
  1. On your feet Yogasanas
  2. Seated Vinyasa Sequences
  3. Seated posterior stretch sequences
  4. On one leg yogasanas
  5. The supine sequence
  6. The bow pose sequence
  7. The triangle pose sequence
  8. The inverted posture sequence
  9. Meditative pose sequence
  10. Viseha Vinyasa karma
Pranayama (Breathing Control)
  1. Introduction of Paranayama
  2. The pranic body
  3. Annamaya kosha
  4. Manomaya kosha
  5. Pranamaya Kosha
  6. Vijnanamaya Kosha
  7. Anandamaya Kosha
  8. Pancha prana
  9. Natural Breathing
  10. Yogic breathing
  11. Nadi shodhana
  12. Traditional Pranayama
  13. Different technique of breathing
  14. Sheetali Pranayama
  15. Sheetkari pranayama
  16. Bhramari pranayama
  17. Ujjayi pranayama
  18. Bhastika Pranayama
  19. Kapalbhati Pranayama
  20. Surya Bheda Pranayama with ratio
  21. Chandra bhedana pranayama
Recitation of Sacred Sound
  1. Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya (Mantra from Upanishad)
  2. Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
  3. Vande Gurunam Charnarvinde(Ashtanga opening mantra)
  4. Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara ( Guru stotram)
  5. Swasti Prajabhyay(Ashtanga closing mantra)
  6. Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
  7. Om Tryambakam Yajamahe ( Mantra on lord shiva)
  8. Om sahana vavatu ( Mantra from Upanishad)
  9. Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha
  10. Yogena Cittasya ( Sloka on sage Patanjali)
  11. Hare rama, Hare Krishna ( Maha mantra)
Mudras (Yoga Gesture)
  1. Introduction of Mudras
  2. Jnana mudra
  3. Chin mudra
  4. Yog mudra
  5. Bhairava mudra
  6. Nasikagra mudra
  7. Shambhavi mudra
  8. Pranav mudra
  9. Vishnu mudra
  10. Pancha prana mudra
  11. Pancha tatva mudra
Bandhas (Energy locks)
  1. Introduction to bandha & Co activation
  2. Jalandhara bandha
  3. Moola bandha
  4. Uddiyana bandha
  5. Maha bandha
  6. Kulph Bandha
  7. Janu Bandha
  8. Kati Bandha
  9. Kurpara Bandha
  10. Mani Bandha
  11. Amsa Bandha
Dhayan (Meditation)
  1. Introduction to Meditation
  2. Why Meditation ?
  3. Meditation and Brain waves Meditation and its effect on Stress Management
  4. Obstacles in Meditation
  5. Role of concentration in Meditation tips for developing concentration Meditation on Body and Breath
  6. different meditation tecnique
  7. Om / Mantra Meditation
  8. Antat and Bahir Dhyana
  9. Trataka
  10. Dynamic meditation
  11. Tips for Silence Meditation
  12. Japa Meditation
  13. Ajapa japa
  14. Antar mouna
  15. Nada Meditation
Teaching Methodology
  1. How to sequence a class
  2. How to work with breathing and posture to create an appropriate sequence
  3. How to adjust
  4. How to work with different level of students
  5. How to cue / instruct at different level
  6. Building Positive & conscious communication, Friendship and trust
  7. Time management
  8. Qualities of a teacher
  9. Principles of demonstration, observation.
  10. Assisting
  11. Correcting
  12. Use of voice in class
  13. Mental & emotional preparation for teaching
  14. Class preparation
  15. Step by step class structure planning.
Asana Alignment & Adjustment
  1. Fundamentals of Body alignment
  2. Ashtanga intermediate series postures alignment
  3. Standing poses
  4. Seated postures
  5. Backward extension postures
  6. Forward extension postures
  7. Twisting postures
  8. Inverted postures
  9. How to do a pose
  10. What is alignment of a pose
  11. Common mistakes
  12. Precautions
  13. Contraindication
  14. Benefits
  15. Modification
  16. Adjustments
Anatomy and Physiology
  1. Introduction applied yoga anatomy
  2. Anatomical explanation of Asana
  3. Importance of movements
  4. yogic Jorney to travel Yoga
  5. intoduction to skeleton system
  6. Yogic exploration of bones and joints
  7. Understanding the joint mobility
  8. Restriction in Mobility
  9. Compression
  10. Introduction to muscular system
  11. contraction
  12. tension, tightness, strength weakness of a muscle
  13. Understanding flexibility & strength
  14. muscle relaxation technique
  15. Co - Activation of muscles & Bandhas
  16. Kulfa, janu, kati,amsa, mani Bandhas
  17. Musculoskeletal system
  18. Neuromuscular system
  19. Anatomical exploration of an exercise or posture
  20. yogic approach to breathing and circulation
  21. Diet for a yogic body
Yoga Philosophy

Yoga philosophy is one of the six major orthodox schools of Hinduism. Ancient, medieval and most modern literature often refers to the Yoga school of Hinduism simply as Yoga. It is closely related to the Samkhya school of Hinduism. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a key text of the Yoga school of Hinduism.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras

  1. Chapter no 1st
  2. Chapter no 2nd
Therapeutic Yoga
  1. Shathkarma
  2. Therapeutical Effects of Shathkarma
  3. Kati Vasti Tridosha (Explanation of Tridosha)
  4. Food Habits as per Tridosha
  5. Nadi Parikshan
  6. Diabetes
  7. Hypertension
  8. Respiratory Diseases-
  9. Diseases related to Respiration
  10. Arthritis
  11. Yog Nidra
  12. Pranayama and its effects
  13. Eyes diseases
  14. Heart diseases
  15. Heart opening Session
Ashtanga vinyasa

For first two weeks Ashtanga primary series(Yoga Chikitsa) will be practiced which will be led by a teacher and mysore style will be practiced by students to improve their self practice

and for rest of the two weeks Ashtanga Intermediate series( Nadi Shudhi) will be explained and practiced as per the level of students postures will be practiced with appropriate modification.

Evaluation are based on
  1. Written Test
  2. Asana Practical Test
  3. Attendance
  4. Performance
  5. Behaviour
Additional Classes
  1. sound healing
  2. Acro yoga
  3. Iyenger class
  4. Ayurvedic class
  5. Kirtan Session

How to Reach here?

  • 1By Air

    Jolly Grant Airport, about 25 km from Rishikesh, has daily flights from Delhi. We can arrange a cab from the airport to our school for an additional fee.

  • 2By Train

    Daily trains connect Delhi to Haridwar railway station. Upon arriving at Haridwar Railway Station, we can organize a pickup for you at a reasonable charge.

  • 3By Taxi

    We can also arrange a convenient cab pickup from Delhi to our school in Rishikesh for a reasonable fee.

  • 4By Bus

    You can take a bus from Delhi to Rishikesh Bus Stand. Upon arrival, we can arrange a cab to our school for a suitable fee.

Video Testimonial of Our YTTC Students