100 Hour Yoga YTTC

Course Syllabus

Yoga Philosophy
  1. Introduction to yoga & yoga philosophy
  2. its philosophy and evolution
  3. Introduction to Hatha yoga
  4. Nadis ( Ida Pingala& Sushumna)
  5. Chakras the energy channels
  6. Explanation to Hatha yoga limbs( Shatkarma, Asana< Pranayama etc.)
  7. Introduction to Yoga Philosophy(Yog Darshan)
  8. Eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
Anatomy and Physiology
  1. Body Movement & Planes
  2. Joints and How to Protect them in Asanas
  3. Anatomy and Physiology of Muscles
  4. Anatomy and Physiology of Ankle
  5. Anatomy and Physiology of Knee
  6. Anatomy and Physiology of Hip
  7. Anatomy and Physiology of Spine
  8. Workshop on different Asanas
  9. Physiology of Muscles
  10. Food & Digestive System
Hath & Vinyasa Flow
  1. Pawanmuktasana series A
  2. Surya Namaskar ( Hatha)
  3. Virbhadrasana A & B
  4. Utthita Trikona asana
  5. Parvakonasana
  6. Parivritta parsvakonasana
  7. parsvaottanasana

Sitting Postures

  1. Bhardwaj asana
  2. Merudanda vakrasana
  3. Ardha matsendrasana
  4. Ardha ustrasana
  5. Bhujangasana
  6. Ardha salbasana
  7. Paschimottasana
  8. Janusirsasana
  9. purvottansana
  10. pawan muktasana series B
  11. pawan muktasana C / A
  12. Surya namaskar B
  13. Trikonasana
  14. Parsvakonasana
  15. Virbhadrasana A
  16. Virbhadrasana B
  17. Ardha chandrasana
  18. Virbhadrasana
  19. Natrajasana
  20. Vriksasana

Sitting postures

  1. Marichyasana A
  2. Marichyasana B
  3. Marichyasana C

Back bending postures

  1. Ustrasana
  2. Rajkapottasana
  3. Dhanurasana
  4. Chakrasana
  5. Setubandhasana

Forward fold

  1. Paschimottanasana
  2. Janu sirsasana
  3. Triangmukha ekapada paschimotanasana
  4. Gatyamal paschimotanasana
  5. purvottanasana


  1. sarvagasana
  2. core exercises
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Practice
  1. Sun salutation A 
  2. Sun salutation B 
  3. Standing sequence postures

1st week- introduction to Ashtanga yoga followed by Sun salutation A & B. 
2nd week - Standing sequence postures & use of yoga props.

Recitation of Sacred Sound
  1. Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya (Mantra from Upanishad)
  2. Tvameva mata ca pita Tvameva (Sloka on gods)
  3. Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara ( Guru stotram)
  4. Swasti Prajabhyay(Ashtanga closing mantra)
  1. Introduction to Meditation
  2. Breathing Awareness Meditation
  3. Om / Mantra Meditation
  4. Trataka
  5. Dynamic meditation
  6. Yog Nidra
  7. Kirtan Meditation
Evaluation are based on
  1. Asana Practical Test
  2. Attendance
  3. Performance
  4. Behaviour
Pranayama Breathing Practices
  1. Introduction of Pranayama
  2. Benefits of pranayama
  3. General guidelines
  4. Clavicular Breathing
  5. Thorocic Breathinga
  6. Diaphragmatic Breathing
  7. Yogic Breathing
  8. Ujjayi
  9. Bhastrika
  10. Kapalbhati
  11. Nadi – Sodhana
Yoga Cleansing
  1. Jalaneti
  2. Eye-cleansing
  3. Kapalbhati- cleansing the lungs
Additonal Classes
  1. Sound healing
  2. Keertan session

Note 100 hour TTC is more about exploring the yogic basic fundamentals , teaching methods are taught in 3rd and 4th week in 2nd half of 200 hour course.

How to Reach here?

  • 1By Air

    Jolly Grant Airport, about 25 km from Rishikesh, has daily flights from Delhi. We can arrange a cab from the airport to our school for an additional fee.

  • 2By Train

    Daily trains connect Delhi to Haridwar railway station. Upon arriving at Haridwar Railway Station, we can organize a pickup for you at a reasonable charge.

  • 3By Taxi

    We can also arrange a convenient cab pickup from Delhi to our school in Rishikesh for a reasonable fee.

  • 4By Bus

    You can take a bus from Delhi to Rishikesh Bus Stand. Upon arrival, we can arrange a cab to our school for a suitable fee.

Video Testimonial of Our YTTC Students
Yoga Alliance Certified "Yoga School in Bali"
Yoga in Bali, Indonesia