
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations

Surya Namaskar is a practice of 12 graceful postures in a sequence which is performed to express our gratitude towards the source of energy(sun) to get our own system fine-tune with the nature and allowing our body to become heated to work against disease and make ourselves feel livelier and more rejuvenated. In Ashtanga vinyasa tradition as per K.Patabhi jois we must start our yoga practice with sun salutation so we can make our body eligible to move smooth and in flow.In this blog we shall learn about Ashtanga vinyasa Sun salutation ASurya Namaskar Benefits Sun salutation is one of the best ways to exercise the physical body and calm down the mind, it boosts energy, increase heat that allows all diseases to disappear, sun salutation is a way to rejuvenate…
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Warm up before yoga asana

As body is one of the most complicated machine on the planet which is undoubtedly wonderful as how it expresses itself through movements, little did we explore how body finds its way to illustrate itself, in exercise world people have found way to make the movements easier which has unfolded next to no limited possibilities for it, hatha yoga mentioned way back that there are 8.4 million possible position that a body can move in to be able to transition into numerous positions it’s vital we know how we prepare ourselves so it becomes accessible and smooth for us, physical body is filled with  viscous thixotropic fluid which is affected by temperature, therefore, one must bring some warmth to the body before body moves into extreme, intense and complicated combinations…
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Yoga for neck

Neck pain is one of the most common complaints people have that is caused by several factors. These include daily activities that involve repetitive forward bending, poor posture, or the habit of holding your head in one position while reading a book or especially while using cell phones and using’s easy for neck pain to extend to your shoulders and back. Neck pain can lead to headaches and even injury. Moreover, it leads to misalignment, in general people do not really take care of their neck until it starts to hurt, especially just above your upper back some people will develop a tiny lump, many people start doing stretches which temporarily feels light because muscles become relaxed, however, we want neck muscles to be stronger not stretching them merely will help eradicate…
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Yoga for abs

Have you ever wanted abs? A lot of people watch actors and athletes that inspire them to work out two times a day and adopt a keto diet. People go to extreme lengths with unrealistic goals for their dream body. Steroids, excess gymming and unhealthy diets that look healthy can do more harm than good. Luckily, yoga has been an effective alternative healthy solution to achieve your dream body and the abs that you desire.Yoga is more than just the religious aspects to it. It consists of many asanas and poses with gentle to extreme intensity with each pose serving a different purpose. Some of these asanas may help you for better toned abs without risking your health.Shalabhasana: Also known as the superman pose requires you to lay on your…
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Yoga for insomnia

Unfortunately, a great portion of our population suffers from insomnia and it is often overlooked. Most of the victims of this sleep disorder are neglected of care or have failed at looking for the appropriate means to help themselves. Insomnia is categorised by difficulty of falling asleep, sleeping at irregular times, staying asleep, etc. The most common form of insomnia comes in the form of acute insomnia that may affect anyone and it’s caused by several factors including stress, diet or unhealthy lifestyle. While acute insomnia may not have a prolonged effect, it may affect each person differently and bring people to go too far lengths to deal with it. You get to hear several of these stories on social media. In fact, there’s a great amount of awareness that…
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Yoga poses for kidney

The kidneys – the organs that balance the body’s fluids – are located beneath the back ribs between the 9th thoracic and the 2nd lumber vertebrae. They are responsible for purifying the blood or any other fluid like water and producing urine. There are many ways to approach the more energetic aspects of the kidneys through Yin Yoga, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle.  Kidneys have an extremely important function of purifying the blood by filtering waste out of it. They also assist in functioning of the urinary system, further secretion of hormones and maintenance of the blood pressure in the body. Kidneys also have the additional function of maintaining the pH level, in the body. kidneys are one of the most important organs in the body and should be cared for. researchers suggest that…
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Ayurveda in Rishikesh, How To Achieve Perfect Health With Ayurved

Ayurveda is the science of life, and it brings us to a path of complete well-being. It offers a holistic approach that balances all the three body constitutions – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – to help achieve perfect health. Ayurvedic treatments have been used for thousands of years and have evolved into a complete science and philosophy of living, encompassing our existence's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Have any queries? Get answer from Yoga school in RishikeshThe importance of Ayurveda in our lives and health.Ayurveda is a unique way of life and has stood the test of time over the centuries. It is a perfect balance to today's fast-paced living, stress, and pollution. By learning how to take care of yourself through Ayurveda, you can help ensure that you…
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Yoga for joint health

The human body is pretty complex in every aspect even if we talk about movement and its dynamic abilities there is a vast field to explore to understand it where one has to know, biomechanics, kinesiology, physics and so on. To keep it comprehensive let’s, say the body moves because of muscles and joints which is guided by our brain through the nervous system. Therefore, the body moves because joints allow for movement that allows one to be mobile in any activity, the body is made from around 206 bones and 700 muscles, there are 9 major jointsNeck(cervical)Upper back(thoracic)Lower back( lumbar)WristElbowShoulderHipKneeAnkleEvery joint is surrounded by several components such as bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bursa, synovial fluid, muscles, etc. All of the components’ health depends upon how adaptive they have become…
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BAKASANA (CRANE POSE) : Its Benefits, Method, Precaution & Preparation

BAKASANA (CRANE POSE) : Its Benefits, Method, Precaution & Preparation

Bakasana is the Sanskrit term for crane pose. It is an arm balance in this pose the practitioner mimics the cranes long, graceful legs by straightening the arms by his strength. Bakasana is a intermediate level balancing asana.METHODstand in samasthiti , go to urdha vrikshasanaCome down to uttanasana and then ardh uttanasanaStretch the fingers of your hands and place the palm on the floor, make sure your hands should be placed shoulders width apart, keep your elbows slightly bent.Lean forward and bring your knees close to the armpit as much as you can, don’t force ( right knee to right armpit &left knee to left armpit )Keep your core engaged(by doing cat pose- PPT) , shift your body weight to your arms while your toes are on thePress your knees…
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Padangusthasana (Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose) : Step by Step Instructions, Benefits, Contraindications and Cautions.

PadangusthasanaTranslated as hand to big toe poseThis posture is variation to utanasana , Utana word means to elongate , intense stretch and forward extension , in this posture whole rear body is stretched from bottom of the feet all the way upto crown of the head, spine is in forward fold position and hip is hinged to its max that let the head remain below heart which makes this posture half inversion leading towards heavy blood circulation towards head.Step by step instructionsStart from tadasana or samasathiti as a starting position where you stand tall keeping whole body in straight line and aligned positionRaise your hands up as you inhale and elongate your spine to create a good space for forward bend.With exhalation reach your hands forward and grab your toes…
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