Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations
Surya Namaskar is a practice of 12 graceful postures in a sequence which is performed to express our gratitude towards the source of energy(sun) to get our own system fine-tune with the nature and allowing our body to become heated to work against disease and make ourselves feel livelier and more rejuvenated. In Ashtanga vinyasa tradition as per K.Patabhi jois we must start our yoga practice with sun salutation so we can make our body eligible to move smooth and in flow.In this blog we shall learn about Ashtanga vinyasa Sun salutation ASurya Namaskar Benefits Sun salutation is one of the best ways to exercise the physical body and calm down the mind, it boosts energy, increase heat that allows all diseases to disappear, sun salutation is a way to rejuvenate…