Yoga for joint health
The human body is pretty complex in every aspect even if we talk about movement and its dynamic abilities there is a vast field to explore to understand it where one has to know, biomechanics, kinesiology, physics and so on. To keep it comprehensive let’s, say the body moves because of muscles and joints which is guided by our brain through the nervous system. Therefore, the body moves because joints allow for movement that allows one to be mobile in any activity, the body is made from around 206 bones and 700 muscles, there are 9 major jointsNeck(cervical)Upper back(thoracic)Lower back( lumbar)WristElbowShoulderHipKneeAnkleEvery joint is surrounded by several components such as bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bursa, synovial fluid, muscles, etc. All of the components’ health depends upon how adaptive they have become…