Plavini Pranayama (Floating Breath)

Plavini pranayama is a breathing technique practiced in yoga that involves swallowing air into the stomach to create a feeling of buoyancy. It is also known as “swallowing air” or “floating breath” pranayama.

The philosophy of plavini pranayama is deeply rooted in the ancient teachings of yoga, which emphasize the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and breath. According to yoga philosophy, the breath is the bridge that connects the physical body with the mind and the spirit. Plavini pranayama is believed to activate the Manipura chakra, which is located in the solar plexus and is associated with the element of fire. This chakra is said to be the center of transformation, willpower, and personal power. By practicing plavini pranayama, one can harness the power of the Manipura chakra and cultivate a sense of inner strength and resilience. The practice is also said to help release emotional blockages and negative thought patterns, promoting a sense of emotional balance and inner peace.

The philosophy of plavini pranayama also emphasizes the importance of mindful breathing and cultivating a deep awareness of the present moment. By focusing on the sensation of the breath moving in and out of the body, one can cultivate a sense of presence and mindfulness, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety and promote overall well-being. Ultimately, plavini pranayama emphasizes the importance of balancing and harmonizing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our being, and cultivating a deep sense of inner awareness and connection.

Here are the steps to practice plavini pranayama:

  1. Find a comfortable seated position with your back straight and your hands resting on your knees.
  2. Take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose, focusing on relaxing your body and calming your mind.
  3. Inhale deeply through your nose and swallow the air, allowing it to fill your stomach. You may need to practice this a few times to get the hang of it.
  4. Hold your breath for as long as is comfortable. Start with a few seconds and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.
  5. Slowly release the breath through your nose, allowing the air to escape from your stomach.
  6. Take a few normal breaths in and out through your nose, and then repeat the process as many times as you like.

It’s important to remember not to overdo it with this practice. Start with just a few rounds and gradually build up to longer durations as you become more comfortable with the practice. Additionally, if you experience any discomfort or dizziness while practicing plavini pranayama, stop immediately and return to your normal breath. As always, it’s recommended to learn this technique from a qualified yoga teacher.

Precautions of Plavini Pranayama:

  1. Don’t overdo it: Like any new practice, start slowly and gradually build up your practice over time. Don’t hold your breath for too long or swallow too much air as this can cause discomfort and even harm.
  2. Avoid if you have digestive problems: If you have any digestive problems, such as acid reflux, stomach ulcers, or irritable bowel syndrome, it’s best to avoid this practice. Swallowing air can aggravate these conditions.
  3. Avoid if you have high blood pressure: If you have high blood pressure, it’s best to avoid this practice or consult with your doctor before trying it, as holding your breath can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure.
  4. Avoid during pregnancy: If you are pregnant, it’s best to avoid this practice as it can put pressure on the abdomen and potentially harm the developing fetus.
  5. Always practice under guidance: It is recommended to learn plavini pranayama from a qualified yoga teacher who can guide you in the correct technique and offer modifications if needed.

Benefits of Plavini Pranayama:

  1. Improves digestion: Plavini pranayama can help stimulate the digestive system and improve the function of the digestive organs. It is especially helpful for reducing bloating, gas, and other digestive discomforts.
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety: By focusing on the breath and cultivating a sense of presence and mindfulness, plavini pranayama can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  3. Boosts energy levels: The practice of plavini pranayama can help increase oxygenation in the body, which can lead to increased energy levels and a sense of vitality.
  4. Releases emotional blockages: The practice of plavini pranayama can help release emotional blockages and negative thought patterns, promoting a sense of emotional balance and inner peace.
  5. Promotes overall well-being: By balancing and harmonizing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of our being, plavini pranayama can promote overall well-being and a sense of inner connection.

To learn more about pranayama, their techniques and their detailed explanations join our upcoming batch of Yoga TTC with Vinyasa Yoga Ashram.

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